Superior Engineering has put together a 2″ inch Airbag Man and Dobinsons lift kit to suit the 105 Series Toyota Landcuiser.
This airbag suspension kit includes the following Dobinsons and Airbag Man 4×4 accessories:
- 1 x Rear Airbag Man Coilrite coil helper airbag kit
- two Airbag Man airbags
- airbag end protector caps and mounts
- airline tubing and fasteners
- two inflation valves
- These Airbags are fitted inside the coil springs of the 105 Series Landcruiser to provide load carrying assistance and are easily inflated or deflated to cater for the vehicle loading.
- 2 x Dobinson Front Shocks
- 2 x Dobinson Rear Shocks
- 2 x Dobinson Rear Coil Springs
- 2 x Dobinson Front Coil Spring
- 1 x Dobinson Steering Damper
Landcruiser 105 Series 2 Inch Airbag Suspension Kit Vehicle Image Gallery